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Mary Kay 60th Anniversary Visual Coordination 2023

服務項目 —— 主視覺設計、活動視覺統籌

很榮幸再度與全球美妝領導品牌 Mary Kay,一起打造萬人共相盛舉的60週年盛大慶典。本次以「YES!Mary Kay」為主題,展現品牌輝煌的歷程,以及世代延續的精神。

為突顯 60 週年的璀璨核心,我們以 #鑽石 切割面與折射為主視覺靈感,營造進入鑽石內部的視覺效果,看見核心的閃耀之美。製作粉、紫、黑金三個版本,分別呈現女性的多面特質——自信活力、自在優雅及沉穩耀眼。

從視覺統籌到周邊設計,一共規劃了 #136支3D動態影像並由數位延伸至實體場域,舞臺運用五個螢幕堆疊結構,創造更豐富層次感受、寬廣的視覺效果;更針對兩地不同場館靈活調整比例,確保每位觀者都能感受到最完整視覺體驗。

本次也要特別感謝 @晚熊動畫,陪著我們一起克服許多挑戰,為這場跨越兩地的慶典注入更多的能量,讓萬人共同見證 Mary Kay 的永恆光輝。

⟢ 讓我們一起,創造更多璀璨時刻。

Services Provided - Key Visual Design, Event Visual CoordinationWe were thrilled to partner with Mary Kay to celebrate their 60th anniversary. "YES! Mary Kay" was the perfect embodiment of the brand's inspiring journey and timeless spirit.

Inspired by diamonds’ facets and refraction, we created a visual journey that reveals the luminous core of this 60th anniversary. Through pink, purple, and black-gold color palettes, we captured the multifaceted essence of women—confidence, grace, and radiance.

From main visual planning to peripheral design, a total of #136 3D animated loops were produced, and were extended from digital to physical venues. The stage used a five-screens stacking structure to ensure a rich, comprehensive visual experience for every viewer. 

Together with RAQOON STUDIO, we challenged ourselves and brought this global celebration to life, showcasing Mary Kay's everlasting brilliance.

⟢ Let's create shining moments together.


Directed by JP SPACE

合作品牌|Mary Kay China

創意總監|蔣承翰 Jiang Jiang

監製|太陽 Sunkaikai

專案經理|Sophie W

副導|Rika Su

視覺設計/製作|晚熊創意 RAQOON STUDIO

主視覺設計/製作陳騏 Chi Chen、劉凱文 Kevin Liu

延伸視覺設計/製作陳騏 Chi Chen、劉凱文 Kevin Liu、李葳靜 Peggy Lee 、邱國維 Mao Mao

製作協力陳郁翔 Gy Sean

專案管理陳郁翔 Gy Sean

#JPSPACE #MaryKay #玫琳凱 #VisualDesign #CorporateEvent #3DAnimation #CreativeDesign #EventMarketing #Visualcoordination

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